Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Growing up too fast!

I've said it before and I'll say it again, we are in trouble when it comes to these two kids. I knew I wouldn't quite be prepared for it when it happened but I now have two fully mobile kids, they both go up and down the stairs, and even though Kale is still a fair bit slower than Haley, they chase each other. This gives Haley a greater chance to push Kale down (continuing to rack up Karmic points) and there is never a shortage of "fires" for me to put out. Oh how much easier life was when they just laid on the floor.

Haley lately has learned to use some hilarious phrases... "whatever mama" is her favorite, "no way Jose" is also up there. This kid has more personality than I possibly know what to do with. I remember when she was brand new I looked forward to the day when she would say to me "NO mama" and show her independence. Ohhh boy did I need to be careful what I wished for, at two going on three going on 17, this little girl definitely has an independent streak.

Showing me how she bows, she learned it from Elmo, followed by a few of her phrases.

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